Dec 9
December 9
Here is the updated Playlist for the Dec. 21 performance, plus compressed files of PDF and word processing documents.
Ten songs have been changed as a result of our practice on Dec. 7th at the Senior Center. Most of the changes were minor: correction of spelling mistakes, misalignment of chord abbreviations, etc. There were only one song with substantive changes: Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer, with changes to the Intro and the Outro.
There were also three songs with an unpleasant Daug chord diagram. The chord has been changed to D7#5 (aka D7aug), which has a slightly better looking chord diagram and is slightly easier to play. Finally, a separate page is included for the DGBE uke players that will allow them to enhance the song "Silver Bells" (use is optional).
The pages that were updated are: 1, 6-7, 9-10, 13-15, 18-22 (12 songs, 13 Pages; I copied and pasted those page numbers into the Print Dialog on my computer and was able to print only those pages, but your mileage may differ). The additional page for the DGBE players: "Silver Bells," p. 26.
I hope to see you on Sunday at the Library, 2:00 to 3:30 pm.
The Playlist: Christmas Playlist (Dec 21 2022)_2022-12-09.pdf
Compressed file of PDF sheets: Christmas Playlist
Compressed file of word processing documents: Word